Hi, I'm Trevor Bragdon
I write about how to pitch, persuade, and take action.
This site aims to help you better pitch and persuade using behavioral science and psychology.
I’m the founder of 7-Figure Fundraising, a company that teaches nonprofit CEOs how to ask for 6 and 7-figure donations.
A little more background...
Host of the 7-Figure Fundraising Podcast. (Listen to my interview with Horst Schulze, the co-founder of the Ritz-Carlton)
Studied behavioral science at the London School of Economics and have tested it in the field with corporate and nonprofit clients.
In the past, I worked on over 70 campaigns, including presidential, legislative, and referendums. I also worked on a project where we ran experiments in 23 states on voter turnout and voter registration in the 2014 election.
I live in Virginia with my wife and 3 kids.
You can find me on Twitter and YouTube, and if you want to reach out, email me trevorbragdon@gmail.com.